Color Code Bug

Color Code Bug

Postby lucasds12 » 08 Jun 2013, 20:14

Hey, I have discovered a minor little bug that has to do with the color code and the bad word filter. Ok so basically when you type "ass", it will appear as [Removed] but I noticed something that happens within the color code. So basically if I do "%fass" it will appear as "ass" so the bad word chat filter will supposedly ignore the color code that is simply blocking the bad word from getting filtered by the system and it enables it so that if a player tells the another player to do it, the secret will spread in the server and people will start to swear a lot cause of this invalid system.
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Re: Color Code Bug

Postby dzienny » 11 Jun 2013, 23:34

Thank you for the report. It was fixed in the newest release.
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